Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Peanut Butter Banana Sandwich : )

I haven’t try making the Fried Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich yet.

I bought some bread last night but I didn’t get any banana. May be I will get some today on my way home from work. I was in hurry to get back home last night trying not to get stuck on the road. I could spend 35 minutes to 1 hour on traffic. Sometimes I wish I could write down some of my thought while being stuck on the traffic … it is just a thought Honey : ) I will drive home carefully, I promise!

Well, I decided that I will make my own version of supposedly yummy-licious Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich. They are easy to make and most of all they are really ‘yummy-licious’ to me especially after I spread them with peanut butter, drizzle with honey and lots of cinnamon powder. Sorry, the picture doesn't agree with my 'yummy-licious' peanut butter & banana sandwich. Will try to improve my photography skill in the future : )

My mom probably won’t like this at all but I thought this is much tastier than just the normal pancake. My mom used to make us pancake too when we were kids. Especially for breakfast at weekend. I remembered begging Mom to make us pancakes on Saturday morning and lots of them. We call them pancake ‘martabak’ it is not a martabak at all it was just batter made of all purpose flour, a tablespoon or two of brown sugar, a dash of salt and coconut milk from fresh grated coconut. I likes them better when there are a little bit brown and fresh flip out of the skillet.

Sometimes my dad will make us ‘Kuih Lenggang’ I have no idea why it call kuih lengang and because I never seen this kind of pancake doing some kind of ‘lengang-lengang’ they are made from the same batter my sandwich but may be just a little bit thinner batter and placing a spoonful of sweet coconut filling in the centre of the pancake, fold both ends in and roll the pancake up around the filling. It is like making popia. Next time I will take picture of my dad kuih lengang : ) Gosh … I just want to share with you my Peanut Butter & Banana Sandwich enthusiasm. Taa.. daa...

1 cup of self-raising flour
¾ cup of milk ( my substitute for coconut cream milk )
1 tablespoon of brown sugar
A dash of salt
1 cup of mashed banana ( I used pisang raja )
Coconut oil, for greasing pan

Sift the flour and salt into a mixing bowl. Pour milk and sugar into it. Gradually incorporate the flour into the liquid, making a smooth batter free of lumps. Pour the mashed banana and mix well.

** I refrigerates the batter for an hour before frying the pancake. This way I get a much more firm texture and they are not too ‘liquidly’ after all. Voila! Here are the result : )

To fry the pancakes, heat a small skillet (preferably with a non-stick surface) over medium heat. Brush lightly a little oil on the surface of the skillet. Using a small ladle to pour into the pan. Allow the batter to set and just begin to brown. Flip the pancake over and allow the other side to cook, just for a few seconds.

They are not only good for breakfast, try it for afternoon tea …invite some friends over too - surely yummy-licious habis!

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