Monday, October 5, 2009

Nasi lemak, anyone : ) ?

It is 2.48am and I am hungry. Craving for
for food of course, what else : ) Goodness me.
I thought about the leftover Banana Oatmeal
Fritters I made yesterday morning. But I was thinking something savoury. Suddenly
I remembered I had nasi lemak at the airport
two months ago. Clif and I was at the airport early morning - it was a big sacrifices for him to get up early as he is not a morning person like me. My mom, dad and sister was off for their vacation together for the first time. It was mom and dad first vacation together and first trip to Kuala Lumpur too. When they came back from their trip, dad was so excited about his experiences. I was so jealous by the way, since I never been to Gentings and ride that cable car or whatever-lah you call them, and dad was like oh we went to this place and that place, and we ride that hanging-car etc.

Oh .. back to my craving for food ... I remembered we sat down together for breakfast and I had a big plate of Nasi Lemak. I was very impressed with presentation and just because I think I had a bad experienced once. The nasi was just the right taste, the sambal was nice-ly pedas, well the telur rebus was a bit overcooked but the chicken wing really compliment the nasi and sambal. Crispy and yum. Clif said if I don't look for food, food will be looking for me : ) I guess he is right especially, yes, I love nasi lemak and I am a sucker for a good nasi lemak. Another place to should try for nasi lemak is the makan place at Damai. The shop selling roti khawin-lah. Or Kak Nong at Beverly Hills area. But if you wants a 'just right' nasi lemak, Terminal 2 airport could be the right place for you : ) Gosh I can believe this it is early morning and I craving for food. What? No! Yes. NO! Yes, sure and positive! I am not whatever I am just hungry that all. I am going to bed. Eeemm... nasi lemak for breakfast tomorrow morning?