Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Peanut Butter Banana Sandwich : )

I haven’t try making the Fried Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich yet.

I bought some bread last night but I didn’t get any banana. May be I will get some today on my way home from work. I was in hurry to get back home last night trying not to get stuck on the road. I could spend 35 minutes to 1 hour on traffic. Sometimes I wish I could write down some of my thought while being stuck on the traffic … it is just a thought Honey : ) I will drive home carefully, I promise!

Well, I decided that I will make my own version of supposedly yummy-licious Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich. They are easy to make and most of all they are really ‘yummy-licious’ to me especially after I spread them with peanut butter, drizzle with honey and lots of cinnamon powder. Sorry, the picture doesn't agree with my 'yummy-licious' peanut butter & banana sandwich. Will try to improve my photography skill in the future : )

My mom probably won’t like this at all but I thought this is much tastier than just the normal pancake. My mom used to make us pancake too when we were kids. Especially for breakfast at weekend. I remembered begging Mom to make us pancakes on Saturday morning and lots of them. We call them pancake ‘martabak’ it is not a martabak at all it was just batter made of all purpose flour, a tablespoon or two of brown sugar, a dash of salt and coconut milk from fresh grated coconut. I likes them better when there are a little bit brown and fresh flip out of the skillet.

Sometimes my dad will make us ‘Kuih Lenggang’ I have no idea why it call kuih lengang and because I never seen this kind of pancake doing some kind of ‘lengang-lengang’ they are made from the same batter my sandwich but may be just a little bit thinner batter and placing a spoonful of sweet coconut filling in the centre of the pancake, fold both ends in and roll the pancake up around the filling. It is like making popia. Next time I will take picture of my dad kuih lengang : ) Gosh … I just want to share with you my Peanut Butter & Banana Sandwich enthusiasm. Taa.. daa...

1 cup of self-raising flour
¾ cup of milk ( my substitute for coconut cream milk )
1 tablespoon of brown sugar
A dash of salt
1 cup of mashed banana ( I used pisang raja )
Coconut oil, for greasing pan

Sift the flour and salt into a mixing bowl. Pour milk and sugar into it. Gradually incorporate the flour into the liquid, making a smooth batter free of lumps. Pour the mashed banana and mix well.

** I refrigerates the batter for an hour before frying the pancake. This way I get a much more firm texture and they are not too ‘liquidly’ after all. Voila! Here are the result : )

To fry the pancakes, heat a small skillet (preferably with a non-stick surface) over medium heat. Brush lightly a little oil on the surface of the skillet. Using a small ladle to pour into the pan. Allow the batter to set and just begin to brown. Flip the pancake over and allow the other side to cook, just for a few seconds.

They are not only good for breakfast, try it for afternoon tea …invite some friends over too - surely yummy-licious habis!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Fried Peanut Butter Banana Sandwich?

What for breakfast?
Fried rice? I think I will have fried rice for lunch today.
French toast? Naaah ...I am not thinking about bread this morning.
Eeeemm... I have some more banana left. Lets see what I can do about it.
My darling hubby told me one time that the legendary singer, Elvis Presley, favourite snack is Fried Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich. He left me a big jar of peanut butter. May be I can have Peanut Butter Banana Sandwich ( my own version-lah ) : )for my breakfast today. He would be very proud of me because I am going to eat up all the food he left behind and may be I don't have to spend a penny for the next few weeks. But I am not very sure about that. Anyway ... since my Peanut Butter Banana Sandwich is still in the making, let me share with you a Southern recipes which I found in the The East Texas Farm & Ranch News. I hope I am not going to get into trouble with this, if they found out I publish this recipe in my some kind of 'foodblog' I hope I am getting any paper from their lawyer or something like that. Well, I am going to try this recipe sometimes this week but first let me write the recipe and you might be interested to try it out.

Fried Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich.

1 Ripe Banana
2 slices white bread
3 to 4 tablespoons of smooth peanut butter
Bacon grease or butter

Mash banana in a small bowl, (a wooden spoon works good on this).
Lightly toast bread then spread peanut butter on one piece of bread;
spread mashed banana on the other slice then place bread slices together.
Fry the sandwich in a small amount of bacon grease or melted butter, make sure you turn the sandwich to get both side golden brown.

(this recipe taken from the The East Texas Farm & Ranch News, Week of August 3, 2009 on Country Cooking section )

Picnic lunch anyone : ) ?

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Banana Cake Loaf : )

Banana Cake Loaf

2 cups all purpose flour
¾ cup brown sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoons salt
1 egg
1 cup milk
¼ cup vegetable oil
1 cup mashed ripe banana ( Pisang Raja is my choice)
½ cup walnut ( or any kind of nuts of your choice)

Preheat oven to 170C. Line the base of an 18cm square cake pan.
Sieve flour, baking powder and salt together.
Mix brown sugar with the flour and make a well in the middle.
In a large bowl , beat egg, milk and vegetable oil together by hand. Pour the mixture into the dry ingredient until well blended all together.
Fold in mashed banana and nuts until well incorporated.
Put aside for 10 minutes before pouring it into prepared pan.
Bake for 40 minutes or until the cake is well risen and golden brown : )
Allow the cake to cool in the pan for 10 mins.

I really like making this cake because it is so easy to make. Clif said now I can just close my eyes and I know what and where the ingredients. But I have to admit it wasn’t easy when I just started to bake them. If I am in hurry but have to take something to a “PotBless Party” this is the cake that I will bake and take it with me. I used pisang raja for this cake because I just love pisang raja beside I got these pisang from my dad. Fresh, free and organic : ) Selamat Mencuba!

Friday, September 25, 2009

the pisang story

When i was young my mom prepared 'rebus pisang' for breakfast. When I came back from

school she will make us 'pisang goreng' for afternoon tea. Sometimes she will make us 'pulut pisang', a combination of glutinous rice flour and mashed banana, wrap neatly with the banana leafs and steam for 15-20 minutues. But my favourite will be still the pisang goreng. Slices of banana coated with flour mix with a little bit of sugar and a pinch of salt and deep fried with a very hot coconut oil. May be unhealthy snack but surely 'yummy-licious' : ) A sweet treat for me all the time. Alright it is time to check on my Banana Walnut Cake Loaf.