Friday, November 20, 2009

Easy Pumpkin Pie in Pumpkin Land ; )

I arrived Houstan on the 11 of November, I think. I haven't been able to write for awhile ... I definately can find me loads of excuses ; ) I was having jetlag. Too busy going around meeting family members. When to church. Too sleepy or too hungry to write. Haaahhhaha ... endless. But the fact that I just arrived here, yes I had jetlag the first week ... Clif has been really sweet and nice. He make us breakfast - american pancake, very fluffy and lots of hot syrup of top. Eeeemmm yummy-licious of course. I know, I know it is not like having nasi lemak or char kew tiau ... but you must try this american pancake ; ) He took me to International House of Pancake in Lufkin. Yes, yummy-licious all the way with free flow of hot cow ; ) Yea yea I know it is not like having teh tarik or kopi ping but still coffee all day long - i think you can stay there as long as you wants too hehheehe ; )
Just in this very short time ... I have seen many things - I am staying here in Lufkin, really 'ulu' place if you might know and not only that it is really a farmland ;) I took lots of pictures of the pumpkin yesterday and I already posted some of the pictures on Facebook. I think people back home in KK might be thinking, what on earth I am doing - just taking pictures and sitting infront of the computer posting pictures all day-kah? Actually, I am much busier then that I think hehehhe. Apart from waking up in the morning, feeding the chickens and letting them out of the barn, picking up their fresh eggs, I cook breakfast too alwasy with pancake thought : ), fried eggs and bacon. Sometimes I heat up leftover from the night before like rice with fried chicken. But most of the time it is just pancake. The past few morning I have been making banana pancake. They are yummy-licous the more when you fried them with pure butter. Goodness I am surely going to get really 'gendut' if I am not watching out!
Clif and I made two pies yesterday ; ) Southern Pecan Pie and Easy Pumpkin Pie. We got the fresh pecan last week from his sister, Joy. The night before we were clicking on the internet to find the right southern pecan pie recipe. My hubby really a particul person ... he said, only Southern Pecan Pie recipe. Finally we found one and happy : ) Thanksgiving is just around the corner - 26th November to be exact. Sue, Clif's 3rd sister called us this morning inviting us to their cabin for Thanksgiving. I am not sure what Clif wants to do on Thanksgiving. Our home is too messy ( I mean way too messy- hahhaha ) for Thanksgiving dinner with his Lendy & Ed family. I let him decide what he wants to do ... but I am sure we are not going be 'alone' for Thanksgiving. I just read on Yahoo news about "Rain may put pumpkin pie in peril, Nestle saysNestle says poor weather hurt harvest, canned pumpkin for pie may run short for holidays By Sarah Skidmore, AP Food Industry Writer On 7:11 pm EST, Thursday November 19, 2009 Buzz up! 84 PrintCompanies:Whole Foods Market, Inc." it is funny because I just took lots of picture of our pumpkin yesterday.
Anyway, I actually wants to share with you this "super" Easy Pumpkin Pie. It is more like cheating but you know think about how easy it is to make 'goreng pisang' with 'Tepung Adabi' : )
Easy Pumpkin Pie
(Makes 8 servings)
1 can (30 oz.) LIBBY'S Easy Pumpkin Pie Mix
2/3 cup (5 flo.oz. can) CARNATION Evaporated Milk
2 large eggs, beaten
1 unbaked 9-inch (4 cup volume) deep-dish-pie shell ( we used Pillsbury Pie Crusts - now I think I know how to make a 'perfect pie crusts ' without feeling intimedated or stress-out)
MIX pumpkin pie mix, evaporated milk and eggs in large bowl.
POUR into the pie shell.
BAKE in preheated 425F. oven for 15 minutes. Reduce temperature to 350F.; bake 50-60 minutes or until knife inserted near center comes out clean. Cool on wire rack for 2 hours. Serve immediately or refrigerate.
We didn't wait for two hours : ) I think we slices our pie immediately hahhahaa. It was yummy-licious of course. Jacob and Hunter came in the early evening and they finish up the pie.
I better end it now ... I need to go somewhere with Clif. I don't know where but he always have someplace to take me. ; )
Enjoy the Pumpkin Pie ; )